Snort is a tool used for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). This tutorial will cover the basics of snort rules.
One basic snort rule is the following:
alert tcp 80 -> (msg:"Test Rule";content:"this must be present";sid:5000001;rev:1)
- alert - Defines the action if a packet matches the rule. Common examples are:
- alert
- log
- pass
- drop
- reject
- tcp - Determines the protocol. There are four options:
- tcp
- udp
- icmp
- ip
- - This is the first IP that must be matched. If specifying an IP address this must be in CIDR notation. Some other options include:
- any - Matches any IP address.
- ! - This can be prefixed to an IP address to specify a logical not.
- [,] - This is a comma separated list.
- 80 - This is the port range option. Other possibilities include:
- any - This means any port
- 1:1024 - This is a port range you can specify.
- -> - Specifies the direction of the match. The other option for this is:
- <> - Unidirectional traffic flow.
There are a number of other options you can use for Snort rules. The options that follow set metadata elements of the rule. These are all key:value pairs terminated with ";":
- sid - Unique ID to identify the rule. This must be unique and there are several pre-reserved rules.
- rev - The revision of the rule.
- classtype - Categorises and groups common rules.
The next set of options are detection options. These are for detecting data in packets:
- content - This is the core of the detection and can include text, binary data, or both. This is a case sensitive option. Below is an example of the content option in use:
-content:"168 65 6c 6c 6f|" content:"Hello |77 6f| rld" content:!"Not this"
- You can use modifiers on this field.
- Each content keyword can have several modifiers applied; modifiers will only affect the previous content option.
- depth - Defines how far in a match must be located. A depth of 6 will tell snort to only check with the first 6 bytes of the payload.
- offset - Determines where to search for a pattern. An offset of 20 would tell snort to check after the first 20 bytes of a payload.
- http-uri - Only matches content where if it appears in a normalised URI field.
- file-data - Applies to HTTP and SMTP traffic. Snort will search inside HTTP responses and decoded MIME attachments in email streams.
There are many other possible options, this is just intended as a taster.