This will show you how to use some of the networking tools in Linux, such as ip and netctl.
IP Command
N.B. The ipconfig command provided by the net-tools package has been deprecated, and replaced by the ip command provided by the iproute2 package
The ip command is very powerful and can do many things. This tutorial will show a basic set of functions you can use it for.
- To list all available interfaces:
ip a
- To change the IP address of a network device (This change will not persist after reboot. Use netctl for persistence):
ip addr add <ip_address> dev <device_id>
- Create a static route:
ip route add <destination_ip>/<cidr_notation> via <ip_to_go_through>
As above this will only show a basic subset of what is possible with netctl.
- List available profiles:
netctl list
- Stop all profiles:
netctl stop-all
- Start a specific profile:
netctl start <profile_name>
- Stop a specific profile:
netctl stop <profile_name>
- Show status of a profile:
netctl status <profile_name>
- Enable a profile. This will start the profile when the system starts.
netctl enable <profile_name>
- Disable a profile. This will stop the profile starting when the system starts.
netctl disable <profile_name>
If you need an IP rule to persist after reboots you will need to add or edit a profile in /etc/netctl.
Examples of profiles that will work for different scenarios are available in the /etc/netctl/examples/ directory. For more information refer to the manual entry for netctl.profile, which can be accessed via the following command:
man 5 netctl.profile