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This will give you an overview of MySQL and how to use it.

To Login to a MySQL server:

mysql -u root -p
  • -u - The user you want to login as.
  • -p - your password. If no password is provided after the -p flag MySQL will prompt you for one.
    • You can use p=<password> if you want to enter you password in plaintext. This is dangerous.

Once you're logged in you can use some of the following commands to query your database:

show databases;

This shows all databases.

use <mydatabase>

Switches the active database to the one you specify.

show tables

Shows the tables in your database.

SELECT User FROM <mydatabase>.user

This displays all the users in your database. If you are already using a database you don't need to specify the database.

DESCRIBE <tablename>

Lists all columns in a specific table.

CREATE user <myusername>@<myserver> identified by 'mypassword';

This will create a user with the specified username on your specified server. If the database is on you local machine you can use localhost as the server.

GRANT all privileges on <mydatabase>.* to <myuser>@<myserver> identified by 'mypassword';

This will grant all privileges on all tables in a database to the specified user.

flush privileges;

This clears/reloads MariaDB caches.